sdrtrunk can decode the following radio protocols:
AM - AM demodulator
APCO-25 Phase 1 (C4FM/Simulcast) - P25 message decoder and automatic trunked channel following.
APCO-25 Phase 2 - Phase 1 control channels with automatic Phase 2 trunked channel following.
DCS - Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) decoder for NBFM channels
Fleetsync II - FM demodulator and decoder for ANI, Acknowledge, Status, Paging and GPS bursts
FM/NBFM - narrow-band FM demodulator with squelch control.
LJ1200 - FM demodulator and decoder for LoJack data bursts on 173.075 MHz in US.
LTR-Net - FM demodulator and LTR-Net trunked radio signaling decoder
LTR-Standard - FM demodulator and Logic Trunked Radio (LTR) trunked radio signaling decoder
MDC-1200 - FM demodulator and decoder for MDC-1200 ANI bursts.
MPT-1327 - FM demodulator and MPT-1327 trunked radio signaling decoder and automatic trunked channel following.
Passport - FM demodulator and Passport trunked radio signaling decoder.
Tait 1200 - FM demodulator and decoder for Tait CCDI protocol GPS location bursts.